Scherb, Elena DianaKerman, BernardoMortara, Gabriel NicolásGarcía, Carolina2023-07-252023-07-252021Scherb, E. D., Kerman, B., Mortara, G. N. & García, C. (2021). Living in pandemia : beliefs, attitudes, and psychological distress and wellbeing [Póster]. SPR 2021, Heidelberg, Germany. after the COVID-19 pandemic was declared, the lives of each and all of us were subjected to an impact in multiple areas. In an attempt to contain contagions, disease and deaths, the different countries responded with isolation and social distancing measures, while the effort to manufacture an effective vaccine that could eliminate this threat began frantically. This required from the population different degrees of adaptation, that were broadly distinct between and within the countries. Peoples´ responses were both resilient and demoralizing, depending on multiple factors. Clearly the economic, social, political, educational, cultural, geopolitical, financial, religious contexts have an influence in the way peoples react as a whole. Unlike previous pandemics, the role of the media in communicating and in some degree confusing messages was undoubtedly preponderant too, although all this broadly exceeds the scope of our research.enopenAccessPANDEMIACOVID-19BIENESTARACTITUDANGUSTIACREENCIAPSICOTERAPIALiving in pandemia : beliefs, attitudes, and psychological distress and wellbeingPóster